Butter Braid Fundraiser
8/28/23, 7:00 PM
Pastry and Cookie-dough Pre-Orders begin August 28

Our group needs help raising money for our upcoming London Trip. For every
Butter Braid and Cookie Dough sold 80% will be put toward student’s account.
Set up your online store at https://store.myfundraisingplace.com/RegisterSeller/d05635e0-55bc-4225-9af4-9309f1511015
We will be selling Butter Braid pastries, a delicious premium frozen product
that buyers will truly enjoy as well as a flavorful variety of cookie dough!
Important Dates
Fundraiser Begins: Monday August 28, 2023
Turn in Forms & Money: Friday September 22, 2023
Delivery Date: Thursday September 28, 2023
Delivery Time: After School
Delivery Location: Band Room
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Group Leader: Beth Braithwaite
Phone Number: 408.515.4422
Email Address: president@ogbb.org