The benefits of joining the band and color guard
Young people in band and guard develop crucial skills to become capable and successful adult members of society:
Discipline: They learn to work hard and realize that they are capable of working hard. They learn to push through.
Time Management and Sacrifice: They give up a lot of free time to rehearse and still get their school work done.
Teamwork: No one sits on the bench! They learn to depend on other and be someone who others can depend on.
Resilience and Flexibility: They make mistakes and keep going. They take criticism and they adjust and improve.
Connections: They interact with students they might not normally meet. They develop a second family that helps them through the tough high-school years.
Brain & Body Benefits: Countless studies show the benefits of music and movement for school performance and health.
Please support the Oak Grove Marching Band and Colorguard for a better community today and into our future!