Our Booster Executive Board
We have an active and supportive Booster Organization and invite you to join us. Oak Grove High School Band Boosters (OGBB) is a nonprofit group organized for the sole purpose of supporting ALL band programs at Oak Grove High School. The executive board is made up of volunteers and parents who have generously given their time and expertise to keep the program running. The executive board meets monthly on the second Tuesday of every month.
Our Committee Chairs
Our committee chairs help us organize and keep everything running smoothly.
This is the contact information of our student representatives and liaisons as well as on campus organizers.
Alumni Rep
Sharane Wiitala is the alumni representative for OGBB.
Sophmore Rep
This is an open position for the sophomore representative for OGBB.
Guard Liaison
This is an open position for the guard liaison for OGBB.
Senior Rep
This is an open position for the senior representative for OGBB.
Freshman Rep
This is an open position for the freshman representative for OGBB.
Volunteer Coordinator
This is an open position for the volunteer coordinator for OGBB.
Junior Rep
This is an open position for the junior representative for OGBB.
Band Liaison
This is an open position for the band liaison for OGBB.
Craft Fair Rep
This is an open position for the craft fair coordinator for OGBB.
Instructional Staff
Chris Moura
Band Director
Sharon Gordon
Color Guard Director
Mike Zerbini
Staff Coordinator/Drill Designer
J.W. Koester
Ensemble Consultant
Wayne Harris
Design Coordinator
Visual Staff
Ashley Donaldson
Visual Caption
Mathew Meyer
Visual Technical
Joe Perez
Visual Technical
Dr. Matthew Guthrie
Visual Staff
Dani Reales
Movement Specialist
Derek Marinez-Hernandez
Visual Technical
Grace Villa
Visual Technical Movement Specialist
Dennis Ortega
Visual Technical
Music Staff – Winds
Kenneth Williams Jr.
Music Captain Lead
Charles Ancheta
Sr. Music Specialist
Alan Corral
Music specialist
Emanuel Baldias
Music Technical
Percussion Staff – Front Ensemble - Battery
Joshua Koester
Percussion Caption – Front Ensemble
Brian Budd
Percussion Instructor
Color Guard Staff
Ruswell Cabudal
Guard Specialist
Andy Washeezoo
Guard Specialist
Emily Bond
Guard Technical
Design Team
Wayne Harris, Mike Zerbini, JW Koester, Ashley Donaldson, Sharon Gordon, Kenneth Williams Jr., and Joshua Koester