Q&A with Eric Krystkowiak
7/26/23, 7:00 PM
Read about why Eric joined the 430-mile ride.
Q: Why did you decide to go on this 430-mile bike journey as a rider (or driver)?
A: A few years ago we started having the riders at our house on day 2 of the fundraiser. I would join Moura on the ride for one leg. This year, being retired, it was easier to join. This was the first time I rode for more than a day of the fundraiser.
Q: What/where was your favorite view?
A: Highway one north of Ragged Point. I really enjoyed the ups and downs.
Q: What was the funniest thing you heard/that happened on the ride?
A: We heckled the hell out of Rob because it’s his first time doing the fundraiser. It deflected the hazing away from me. One day he came out wearing all black – like Dieter (from the Saturday Night Live skit “Sprockets” with Mike Myers) – in black tights in the middle of summer. On the last day, we also made it a challenge to make up the suffix of Mike Zerbini’s last name to see if he noticed. We called him “Zerbinksy.” I don’t think he ever figured it out.
Q: Where was your favorite place you stayed on the ride?
A: My own bed. I also really enjoyed meeting Mitch and Mary (Moore) in Santa Barbara.
Q: What is your favorite refuel/SAG snack?
A: We usually eat Pop Tarts on the ride. Obviously, my diet now has changed, so having Pop Tarts was very nostalgic.
Q: What was your biggest challenge?
A: The whole ride was a challenge, but the most important part was working together to make sure we all finished together. Sometimes you have to go harder than you want to go and sometimes you go slower than you want to go. You really have to check in on your individualism.
Q: What motivated you to continue when you felt like giving up?
A: If Moura could do it, I could do it. I enjoyed most of it, it was a challenge and it was great to do it with old friends and new friends, and doing it for a greater purpose. This is the first year they deviated from the usual course. You know how hard it is for Moura to change, so you know it’s a pretty big deal. Going forward, I hope they keep mixing it up. I’m so glad that this was my first time doing a long-distance point-to-point ride.
Q: What strengths of your other teammates did you grow to value during this experience?
A: It was very valuable to know that Chris and Steve Moura and Zerbini did it many times before. It’s nice to have that calm confidence that we would all be fine and we wouldn’t be stranded.
Q: What does "showing up for your team" mean to you (professionally, personally, athletically, etc.)?
A: It’s futile to complain about anything because we’re all in the same boat.
Q: What is one weakness you felt you were able to turn into a strength?
A: I have the tendency to have very strong opinions and take charge of things. It was good to be in “follower” mode.
Q: Please state the full name you'd prefer to use for publication; your title, occupation, or other identifier; and what background connects you with the band/Moura.
A: Eric Krystkowiak, retired Air Force Colonel. I was on the UCLA cycling team with Moura.